Saturday, November 21, 2009



Hi EveryOne…. Iam vijay…Firstly I wanna give my sincere thanks to Freshers World which helped me in guiding the way 2 success. I had my selection procedure on Apr 12 & 13,2008 which was held at Bhoj Reddy Engg. College, Hyderabad. I would like to share my interview experience with u ppl so that it may be helpful to u in one or other way….
Around 4000 odd attended the test and 600 cleared the written, then followed by GD n 250 cleared the GD. Out of 250 odd 100 got through Technical Intrvw and the final figure is 58…I am being proud to be one among them. see the solid competition. Nearly 70:1 is the ratio…..

Written Test:
Total 55 Q’s with in 60 mins…
It consists of 3 sections Verbal, Reasoning & Aptitude which was conducted by MeritTrac
Verbal consists of 20 Questions

Q 1-3) Synonyms simple and Easy… No need of tough preparation
1.Integrity : a) power b) influence c) morality d)
2. Salient : a) important b) noticeable like that…
Q 4-6) Articles like a, an, the… here they ll give u a sentence with one or two blanks and four options to fill with suitable articles…. This is just basic English no need of hard preparation. Just go through Wren n Martyn.
Q 7-10) Fill in the blanks with proper Preposition from the options given
It has been raining_________ morning to the evening
A) from b) between c) since….

Q 11-15) A big passage related to database n 5 questions on that.. My sincere advice is to go through the passages frst and answer the Questions by keyword approach..this will work better in maintaining time.

Q16-20) A big passage related to Electronic home appliances using advanced technologies n 5 questions on that…

Aptitude consists of 15 Questions
Aptitude is so easy.. u can answer easily just with ur presence of mind.
Questions like
Time and distance Question and this was given in the form of Data sufficiency.
Simple probability like there were 66 times shook the hand with out repetition n we have to find hw many total persons
a)10 b)11 c)12 d) none
Based on venn Diagrams nearly 5-6 Questions its so easy
4-5 Questions on Data Sufficiency

It consists of 20 Questions
Q35-40) Questions like
If / represents+, * represents -, + represents *, - represents /…then find 34/5+8-6 like that
Q41-45) Questions like if * represents 0 and $ represents1 and it keeps doubling for its change of one position then find the value of
41) (25+56)/2
42) lcm of $**$ , **$$ , $$*$ like that (Q’s are in that model don’t consider those values)
few more Q’s on such
One puzzle n questions based on that
This is so easy section every one can answer this easily
a) 1&2 are like.
b) 2&3 are like.
c) 1&3 are like.
d) Three are alike.
Q 53) 1… 21115264 2…21152164 3..21152164

After the written test they have given us 5 mins to write an essay on college life…so write it clearly n neatly…that essay also carries marks.
Sorry friends i am not able to remember all questions so do forgive me…
My result was out in an hour
Some one said that around 35 was the cutoff… 600/4000 cleared the written test….

Those who cleared the written were called 4 GDs it was 7 PM for me
Around 13-15 were made to sit in a semi circle arrangement n the moderator was given us a minute time to make out some points on the topic.. My topic was POLITICS IN INDIA BETWEEN REGIONAL AND NATIONAL PARTIES
And given us 10 mins time to speak on the topic. They'll announce the result on the spot….
In my batch 13 were there and 5 got through the GD n they asked us to fill the HR form n asked us to leave that’s all for that day

On 13 Apr we had Technical Interview .They mainly concentrate on your resume.. so be clear with your resume.
I am from Mechanical Stream. A guy from Accenture Bangalore has taken my Interview. He was so cool n a routine question no need to tell…Tell about your profile…
N then Straight away to subject.. he asked me Questions on Strings, pointers, JDBC files, Data Bases,
hw you'll connect to database from C?
Hw you'll connect data base in java?
Such questions…

Guys be thorough with your academic project.. Be strong in it. Friends no need to worry.. they'll just see your basics…Electronics guys be thorough with your core subjects..
I was asked to stay outside for the result.. n a HR guy came outside n said u got through the tech… I was so happy n the only one small hurdle is in front of me to jump…

After my technical interview I had to wait 4 an hour for final round around 4 PM…n finally got a chance to face the interview… He was cool n asked me to sit …
Questions were…
1) Tell about your profile?
Blah Blah Blah……
2) what is your father?
Blah Blah ……
3) R u ready to relocate?
I am ready to move any part in India….n even I am ready to move Abroad…
4) Briefly explain your curriculum project?
Blah Blah…..
5) Why Accenture?
Say your positives n know about Accenture b4 answering this…
6) What do you know about Accenture?
Come on guys be prepared with the profile…
7) Tell me the terms n conditions that are mentioned in the HR form that u signed Yesterday?
This was the real HR Question… Friends do remember each n every moment that was going around u in the campus….
8) Why u r opting SW as u r being a Mech Engr..?
Blah Blah…..
9) What r the major competitors of Accenture in India?
I said TCS, HCL n Satyam…

Friends do remember don’t neglect HR round I've seen one guy was rejected from HR
He asked me to Wait for the result….
With in five mins the same guy who declared my tech result declared me final n positive n very happy news….that U R SELECTED…n congratulated me….n asked me to collect offer letter n I was about to shed Tears….

After 5 hrs long wait… They made us to sit in a hall n offered us with an official letter.. and this was the happiest day of my life till now….Finally Enjoyed the day with full of tiredness ….From that day till now i am not believing that I got through Accenture….
Friends I hope this will be helpful to u … if not please forgive me….

N feel free to ask me any questions regarding my interview experience n keep the subject line as ACCENTURE..

I expect a comment from u friends regarding this paper

Wipro Technologies Sample papers 3

Wipro Technologies Sample papers 3

1. An electron moving in an electromagnetic field moves in a

(a) In a straight path
(b) Along the same plane in the direction of its propagation
(c) Opposite to the original direction of propagation
(d) In a sine wave

Ans. (b)

2. The total work done on the particle is equal to the change in its kinetic energy

(a) Always
(b) Only if the forces acting on the body are conservative.
(c) Only if the forces acting on the body are gravitational.
(d) Only if the forces acting on the body are elastic.

Ans. (a)

3. The following unit measure energy:

(a) Kilo-watt hour.
(b) Volt*volt/sec*ohm.
(c) Pascal*foot*foot
(d) (Coulomb*coulomb)*farad

Ans. (a)

4. Astronauts in stable orbits around the earth are in a state of weightlessness because

(a) There is no gravitational force acting on them.
(b) The satellite and the air inside it have an acceleration equal to that of gravitational acceleration there.
(c) The gravitational force of the earth and the sun balance giving null resultant.
(d) There is no atmosphere at the height at which the satellites move.

Ans. (b)

5. An organ pipe, open at both ends and another organ pipe closed at one end,
will resonate with each other, if their lengths are in the ratio of

(a) 1:1
(b) 1:4
(c) 2:1
(d) 1:2

Ans. (c)

6. During an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas

(a) Its internal energy increases.
(b) Its internal energy decreases.
(c) Its internal energy does not change.
(d) The work done by the gas is not equal to the quantity of heat absorbed by it.

Ans. (c)

7. A parallel plate capaciator is charged and the charging battery is then disconnected.
If the plates of the capacitor are moved further apart by means of insulating handles

(a) The charge on the capacitor increases.
(b) The voltage across the plates increases.
(c) The capacitance increases.
(d) The electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor decreases.

Ans. (b)

8. Two equal negative charges q are fixed at point (0,a) and (0,-a) on the y-axis.
A positive charge Q is released from rest at the point (2a,0) on the x-axis. The charge Q will

(a) Execute simple harmonic motion about the origin
(b) Move to the origin and remain at rest
(c) Move to infinity
(d) Execute oscillatory but not simple harmonic motion

Ans. (d)

9. A square conducting loop of length Lon a side carries a current I.
The magnetic field at the centre of the loop is

(a) Independant of L
(b) Proportional to L*L
(c) Inversely proportoinal to L
(d) Directly proportional to L

Ans. (c)

10. The focal length of a convex lens when placed in air and then in water will

(a) Increase in water with respect to air
(b) Increase in air with respect to water
(c) Decrease in water with respect to. air
(d) Remain the same

Ans. (a)

11. The maximum kinectic energy of the photoelectron emitted from the surface is dependant on

(a) The intensity of incident radiation
(b) The potential of the collector electrode
(c) The frequency of incident radiation
(d) The angle of incidence of radiation of the surface

Ans. (c)

12. An electron orbiting in a circular orbit around the nucleus of the atom

(a) Has a magnetic dipole moment
(b) Exerts an electric force on the nucleus equal to that on it by the nucleus
(c) Does not produce a magnetic induction at the nucleus
(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

13. The X-rays beam coming from an X-ray tube will be:

(a) Monochromatic
(b) Having all wavelengths smaller than a certain minimum wavelength
(c) Having all wavelengths larger than a certain minimum wavelength
(d) Having all wavelengths lying between a minimum and a maximum wavelength

Ans. (c)

14. The mass number of a nucleus is

(a) Always less than its atomic number
(b) Always more than its atomic number
(c) Always equal to its atomic number
(d) Sometimes more and sometimes equal to its atomic number

Ans. (d)

15. Two successive elements belonging to the first transition series have the same number
of electrons partially filling orbitals. They are

(a) V and Cr
(b) Ti and V
(c) Mn and Cr
(d) Fe and Co

Ans. (c)

16. When n+l has the same value for two or more orbitals,the new electron enters the orbital where

(a) n is maximum
(b) n is minimum
(c) l is maximum
(d) l is minimum

Ans. (b)

17. A balloon filled with ethylene is pricked with a sharp pointed needle and quickly placed in a tank
full of hydrogen at the same pressure. After a while the balloon would have

(a) Shrunk
(b) Enlarged
(c) Completely collapsed
(d) Remain unchanged in size

Ans. (b)

18. Which of the following statements is not true?

(a) The ratio of the mean speed to the rms speed is independant of temperature
(b) Tthe square of the mean speed of the molecules is equal to the mean squared speed at a certain temperature
(c) Mean kinetic energy of the gas molecules at any given temperature is independant of the mean speed
(d) None

Ans. (b)

19. Which of the following statements represent Raoult's Law

(a) Mole fraction of solvent = ratio of vapour pressure of the solution to vapour pressure of the solvent
(b) Mole fraction of solute = ratio of vapour pressure of the solution to vapour pressure of the solvent
(c) Mole fraction of solute = lowering of vapour pressure of the solution
(d) Mole fraction of solvent = lowering of vapour pressure of the solution

Ans. (a)

20. Elements having the same atomic number and the same atomic mass are known as

(a) Isotopes
(b) Isotones
(c) Isomers
(d) None of the above

21.Which is the most acidic amongst

(a) Nitrophenol
(b) O-toulene
(c) Phenol
(d) Cresol

22. Pure water does not conduct electricity because it is

(a) Almost not ionised
(b) Low boiling
(c) Neutral
(d) Readily decomposed

Ans. (a)

23. In a salt bridge, KCl is used because

(a) It is an electrolyte
(b) The transference number of K+ and Cl¯ is nearly the same
(c) It is a good conductor of electricity
(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

24. A depolarizer used in the dry cell batteries is

(a) KCl
(b) MnO2
(c) KOH
(d) None of the above

Ans. (b)

25. The hydrolysis of alkyl halides by aqueous NaOH is best termed as

(a) Electrophylic substitution reaction
(b) Electrophylic addition reaction
(c) Nnucleophylic addition reaction
(d) Nucleophylic substitution reaction

Ans. (d)

26. The hydrocarbon that gives a red precipitate with ammoniacal cuprous chloride is (where 'º' means a triple bond)

(a) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3
(b) CH3-CºC-CH3
(d) CH3-CH2-CºCH

Ans. (d)

27. Which of the following reagents is neither neutral nor basic

(a) Lucas' reagent
(b) Tollen's reagent
(c) Bayer's reagent
(d) Fehling's solution

Ans. (a)

28. The substance which is most easily nitrated

(a) Toluene
(b) Bbenzene
(c) Nitrobenzene
(d) Chlorobenzene

Ans. (a)

29. Carbylamine reaction is a test for

(a) Primary amine
(b) Secondary amine
(c) Tertiary amine
(d) Quarternary ammonium salt

Ans. (a)

30. Which of the following oxides cannot be reduced by carbon to obtain metal

(a) ZnO
(b) Al2O3
(c) Fe2O3
(d) PbO

Ans. (b)

31. Which of the following is not an oxide ore?

(a) Cassiterite
(b) Siderite
(c) Pyrolusite
(d) Bauxite

Ans. (b)

32. Which among the following is called philosopher's wool

(a) Cellulose
(b) Calamine
(c) Stellite
(d) Cerussite

Ans. (c)

33. Out of 10 white, 9 black and 7 red balls, in how many ways can we select one or more balls

(a) 234
(b) 52
(c) 630
(d) 879

Ans. (d)

34. A and B throw a dice. The probabilty that A's throw is not greater than B's is

(a) 5/12
(b) 7/12
(c) 11/12
(d) 5/36

Ans. (b)

35. Given two numbers a and b. Let A denote the single AM between these and S denote the sum of n AMs
between them. Then S/A depends upon

(a) n
(b) n,a
(c) n,b
(d) n,a,b

Ans. (a)

36. If the sum of the roots of the equation ax²+bx+c=0 is equal to the sum of the squares of their reciprocals,
then, a/c, b/a, c/b are in

(a) AP
(b) GP
(c) HP
(d) None of the these

Ans. (c)

In the following questions ~ represents the integral sign-for eg. 1~2[f(x)] means integration of
the function f(x) over the interval 1 to2.

37. Value of -1~2[|2-x²|]dx, ie integration of the function |2-x²| over the interval -1 to 2.

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) None of the above

Ans. (d)

38. If 0~P[log sinx]dx=k,then the value of 0~P/4[log(1 + tan x)]dx ,where P stands for pi,is

(a) -k/4
(b) k/4
(c) -k/8
(d) k/8

Ans. (c)

39. If a,b,c be in GP and p,q be respectively AM between a,b and b,c then

(a) 2/b=1/p+1/q
(b) 2/b=1/p-1/q
(c) 2=a/p-c/q
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a)

40. A solution of KMnO4 is reduced to MnO2 .The normality of solution is 0.6.The molarity is

(a) 1.8M
(b) 0.6M
(c) 0.1M
(d) 0.2M

Ans. (d)

The questions 41-46 are based on the following pattern.The problems below contain a question
and two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the
statements are sufficient for answering the questions.The correct answer is

(A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement(II) alone is sufficient but statement(I) alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient.
(D) If both together are not sufficient.

41. What is John's age?

(I) In 15 years John will be twice as old as Dias would be
(II) Dias was born 5 years ago

Ans. (C)

42. What is the distance from city A to city C in kms?

(I) City A is 90 kms from City B
(II) City B is 30 kms from City C

Ans. (D)

43.Is A=C ? A,B,C are real numbers

(I) A-B=B-C
(II) A-2C = C-2B

Ans. (C)

44. What is the 30th term of a given sequence ?

(I) The first two terms of the sequence are 1,1/2
(II) The common difference is -1/2

Ans. (A)

45.Was Avinash early, on time or late for work?

(I) He thought his watch was 10 minutes fast
(II) Actually his watch was 5 minutes slow

Ans. (D)

46. What is the value of A if A is an integer?

(I) A4 = 1
(II) A3 + 1 = 0

Ans. (B)

47. A person travels 12 km in the southward direction and then travels 5km to the right and then travels 15km toward the right and finally travels 5km towards the east, how far is he from his starting place?

(a) 5.5 kms
(b) 3 km
(c) 13 km
(d) 6.4 km

Ans. (b)

48. X's father's wife's father's granddaughter uncle will be related to X as

(a) Son
(b) Nephew
(c) Uncle
(d) Grandfather

Ans. (c)

49. Find the next number in the series 1, 3 ,7 ,13 ,21 ,31

(a) 43
(b) 33
(c) 41
(d) 45

Ans. (a)

50. If in a certain code "RANGE" is coded as 12345 and "RANDOM" is coded as 123678.
Then the code for the word "MANGO" would be

(a) 82357
(b) 89343
(c) 84629
(d) 82347

Ans. (d)

51. If "PROMPT" is coded as QSPLOS ,then "PLAYER" should be


Ans. (a)

The questions 52-53 are based on the following data

6 people A,B,C,D,E and F sit around a table for dinner.Since A does not like C, he doesn't sit either opposite or beside C.B and F always like to sit opposite each other.

52. If A is beside F then who is are the two neighbours of B?

(a) D and C
(b) E and C
(c) D and E
(d) Either (a) or (b)

Ans. (c)

53. If D is adjacent to F then who is adjacent to C?

(a) E and B
(b) D and A
(c) D and B
(d) either (a) or (c)


54. Complete the sequence A, E ,I ,M ,Q ,U , _ , _

(a) B, F
(b) Y, C
(c) G, I
(d) K, O


55. A person travels 6km towards west, then travels 5km towards north ,then finally travels
6km towards west. Where is he with respect to his starting position?

(a) 13km east
(b) 13km northeast
(c) 13km northwest
(d) 13km west

Ans. (c)

56. If A speaks the truth 80% of the times, B speaks the truth 60% of the times.
What is the probability that they tell the truth at the same time

(a) 0.8
(b) 0.48
(c) 0.6
(d) 0.14


57. If the time quantum is too large, Round Robin scheduling degenerates to

(a) Shortest Job First Scheduling
(b) Multilevel Queue Scheduling
(c) FCFS
(d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

58. Transponders are used for which of the following purposes

(a) Uplinking
(b) Downlinking
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

59. The format specifier "-%d" is used for which purpose in C

(a) Left justifying a string
(b) Right justifying a string
(c) Removing a string from the console
(d) Used for the scope specification of a char[] variable

Ans. (a)

60. Virtual functions allow you to

(a) Create an array of type pointer-to-base-class that can hold pointers to derived classes
(b) Create functions that have no body
(c) Group objects of different classes so they can all be accessed by the same function code
(d) Use the same function call to execute member functions to objects from different classes

62. A sorting algorithm which can prove to be a best time algorithm in one case
and a worst time algorithm in worst case is

(a) Quick Sort
(b) Heap Sort
(c) Merge Sort
(d) Insert Sort

Ans. (a)

63. What details should never be found in the top level of a top-down design?

(a) Details
(b) Coding
(c) Decisions
(d) None of the above

Ans. (c)

64. In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by assembler

(a) Reallocation
(b) Allocation
(c) Linking
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. (d)

65. Banker's algorithm for resource allocation deals with

(a) Deadlock prevention
(b) Deadlock avoidance
(c) Deadlock recovery
(d) None of these

Ans. (b)

66. Thrashing can be avoided if

(a) The pages, belonging to the working set of the programs, are in main memory
(b) The speed of CPU is increased
(c) The speed of I/O processor are increased
(d) All of the above

Ans. (a)

67. Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications?

(a) Narrowband channels
(b) Simplex channels
(c) Full-duplex channels
(d) Mixedband channels

Ans. (b)

68. A feasibility document should contain all of the following except

(a) Project name
(b) Problem descriptions
(c) Feasible alternative
(d) Data flow diagrams

Ans. (d)

69. What is the main function of a data link content monitor?

(a) To detect problems in protocols
(b) To determine the type of transmission used in a data link
(c) To determine the type of switching used in a data link
(d) To determine the flow of data

Ans. (a)

70. Which of the following is a broadband communications channel?

(a) Coaxial cable
(b) Fiber optic cable
(c) Microwave circuits
(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

71. Which of the following memories has the shortest access time?

(a) Cache memory
(b) Magnetic bubble memory
(c) Magnetic core memory
(d) RAM

Ans. (a)

72. A shift register can be used for

(a) Parallel to serial conversion
(b) Serial to parallel conversion
(c) Digital delay line
(d) All the above

Ans. (d)

73. In which of the following page replacement policies, Balady's anomaly occurs?

(a) FIFO
(b) LRU
(c) LFU
(d) NRU

Ans. (a)

74. Subschema can be used to

(a) Create very different, personalised views of the same data
(b) Present information in different formats
(c) Hide sensitive information by omitting fields from the sub-schema's description
(d) All of the above

Ans. (d)

75. Question on l-values in automata

Wipro Sample Paper 1

Wipro Sample Paper 1

1) Written Test :: Very simple .u don't need any preparation

40 mins 45 questions..some questions were very silly.
My friend said that most of the questions in this test were
lifted from R S Agarwals' Verbal book.
2) HR And Technical Interview went on simultaneously.
HR Interview::
1) Describe Yourself.
2) Your Hobbies..
3) Your Project
4) What do you expect from Wipro.
Be confident ....and talk informally.
Technical Interview::
It went for 1 hour...just me....very lengthy.
1) Asked me about my project.
2) Asked me about my Engg subjects..OS Data Structures ...C C++ Unix .
3) What are the OS Components ?
4) Draw the various modules of the OS.
5) What is a Thread.
6) What are the advantages of threads.
7) What are the different types of scheduling?
8) Process Synchronization.
9) Semaphores Monitors.
10) Write the code for semaphore.
11) Benady's Anomaly.
12) Memory Management
13) Polymorphism in C++
14) Output of a C Program (Test ur C Skills type)
15) Use of static.
16) Ostrich Algorithm..( Didn't know)
17) What are NP Hard Problems.
18) Join two linked lists.
19) Various Sorting algorithms.
20) Trees Binary search tree etc
Most questions were simple...not a stress interview...they make you feel very comfortable.
My friends got different interviewers ..some of them asked only DBMS ...and sql queries.

Wipro Placement Paper 2009 (Aptitude & Technical)

Wipro Placement Paper 2009 (Aptitude & Technical)

Q1. Two bodies changed from p1v1 to p2v2 state in two ways. The heat supplied is
delta Q and work done is delta W
Then what is constant in these two processes
(a) delta q
(b) delta w
(c) delta q + delta w
(d) delta q - delta w
Ans. (d)

Q2. _______ have same atomic number and same mass number are
(a) Isotopes
(b) Isotones
(c) Isomers
(d) Isobars
Ans. (c)

Q3. When a free electron is placed in a plane of electro magnetic then it moves
(a) in the direction of the electric field
(b) in the direction of magnetic field
(c) of propagation of wave
(d) of the plane containing magnetic field and propagation direction.

Q4. Name the phenomena in which one proton is jumped from one isomer to another
isomer to create two different elements

(a) functional isomerisim
(b) sterio merisim
(c) tauto merisim
(d) penta merisim

Ans. (c)

Q5. In the below compounds which one has 40% C ,6.7% H and 53.3 % O what is its
empherical formula
(a) CHO
(b) CH2
(c) C2H2O2
(d) C2H3O2
Ans: (b)

Q6. X rays are coming from X ray tube, the wavelength is _______ a certain

(a) below
(b) above
(c) inbetween
(d) out of

Ans. (c)

Q7. In a triode valve in order to increase the saturation current what has to be
(a) increase plate voltage
(b) reduce distance between grid and plate
(c) increase cathode potential
(d) reduce grid potential

Ans. (d )

Q8. Seven different toys are distributed among 3 children how many different
ways are possible?
(a) 7C3
(b) 7P3
(c) 3 7
(d) 7 3

Ans. (c)

Q9. A, B ans C are three speakers. They have to speak randomly along with
another 5 speakers in a function.
A has to speak before B and B has to speak before C. What is the

Ans. 1/6

Q10. If dy = (secx + ytanx)dx, Then the curve is

(a) x = ycosx
(b) x = ysinx
(c) x = ytanx
(d) x = ysecx

Ans. (a)

Q11. Two series are 16,21,26.... and 17,21,25.....
What is the sum of first hundred common numbers
(a) 101100
(b) 110100
(c) 101110
(d) 110101
Ans. (a)

Q12. There are two sections in a question paper each contain five questions. A
students has to answer 6 questions.
Maximum no. of questions that can be answered from any section is 4.
How many ways he can attempt the paper?

(a) 50
(b) 100
(c) 120
(d) 200
Ans. (d)

Q13. a and b are two numbers selected randomly from 1,2,3.... 25 what is the
probability of a and b are not equal.
(a) 1/25
(b) 24/25
(c) 13/25
(d) 2/25
Ans. (b)

Q14. The sum of the series 1 + 1(1+1/n) + 3(1+1/n)2 + ..... is equal to?
Ans. n2

Q15. Two circles of different radii intersects each other what is the maximum no
of intersections
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
Ans. (c)

Q16. If x= sin-1(t), y = log(1-t2), find d2y/dx2 when t=1/2
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) -8/3
(d) -2/3
Ans. (c)

Q17. If x approaches infinity , then (òex dx )/( òe2xdx) is ?
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) -1
(d) 2
Ans. (a)

Q18. If f(x)=1-cos(1-cosx)/x4 is continuos at f(0) then what is x
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) 1/4
(d) -1/4
Ans. (c)

Q19. For the word SURITI, if you arrange the letters in dictionary order then
what is its rank?
(a) 234
(b) 235
(c) 236
(d) 237
Ans. (c)

Q20. Period of sin ((2t + 3) / 6 pi)
(a) 6pi
(b) 6pi2
(c) 3pi
Ans. (b)

Q21 - Q23. Four questions given on the below data
X,Yand Z are senior engineers. A,B,C,D are junior engineers. Company wants to
select 4 enginers. Two will be senior and two will be juniors. The company wants
these engineers to work in the most productive way so they respect each person's
Y is not friends with A
Z is not friends with C
B is not friends with A
If B is selected then who will be the remaining 4 members ?
If C is selected, Z and ___ cannot be selected?
D is always selected if ___ is selected?

Q24. A speaks truth 70% of the times, B speaks truth 80% of the times.
What is the probability that both are contradicting each other is ?

Q25. ò((2x-3)/((x2 +x+1)2 )dx is ?

Q26. Ram starts from A walking 2 km North and turns right and walks 4 km and
turns right again and walks 4 km and turns right again and walks 4 km
and meets Radha at Bwalking in the opposite direction to Ram .
a) Which direction does Ram walk after the first turn?
b) Distance between A and B

Q27. If the equation x2 - 3x + a = 0 has the roots (0,1) then value of a is ?

Q28. A and B's temperature are 10°c and 20°c having same surface , then their
ratio of rate of emmisions is ?

Q29. An atomic particle exists and has a particlular decay rate . It is in a
train . When the train moves, a person observes for whether the
decay rate
(a) increases
(b) decreases
(c) depend on the directions of movement of train

Q30. Which of the following exchanges positive ions
(b) nh2-
(c) ch2
Ans. (b)

Q31. After execution of CMP, a instruction in Intel 8085 microprocessor
(a) ZF is set and CY is reset.
(b) ZF is set CY is unchanged
(c) ZF is reset, CY is set
(d) ZF is reset , CY is unchanged .

Ans. ZF is set and CY is reset

Q32. The best tool for editing a graphic image is ?

Q33. Network scheme defines
a.)one to one
b.) many to many
c.) one to ,many ?

Q34. A person wants to measures the length of a rod.First he measures with
standing ideally then he maeasures by
moving parrel to the rod
(a)the length will decrease in second case
(b)length will be same
(c) length will increse in the second case.

Q35. One U-230 nucleus is placed in a train moving by velocity emiting alpha
rays .When the train is at rest the
distance between nucleus and alpha particle is x . One passenger is
observing the particle . When the train is moving
what is the distance between particle and nucleus ?
(a) x
(b) x + vt
(c) x - vt

Q36. What is the resulting solution when benzene and toluene are mixed ?

Q37. If the word FADENCOMT equals 345687921 then
What is FEAT
Find representation of 2998

Q38. Given 10 alphabets out of which 5 are to be chosen. How many words can be
made with atleast one repetition.

Q39. Arrange by acidic values : phenol, nitrotolouene and o-cresol?

Q40. Find sum of 3 + 5/(1+22) + 7/(1 + 22 + 32) + ......
Ans. 3n/(1 + n)

The following are few sample questions that maybe asked in the software paper.We
haven't been able to give the values in certain problems ; only the type of
questions have been mentioned.
Q What sorting algos have their best and worst case times equal ?
Ans. O(nlogn) for mergesort and heap sort
Q. What page replacement algo . has minimumn number of page faults ?
Ans. Optimality algorithm
Q. What is the use of virtual base class in c++
Ans. Multiple lines between derived classes.
Q. Find the eccentricity of a given node in a directed graph
Q. Convert the infix to postfix for A-(B+C)*(D/E)
Ans. ABC+DE/*-
Q. What is swapping
Q. Assignment operator targets to
Ans. l-value
Q. A byte addressable computer has memory capacity of 2 power m Kbytes and can
perform 2 power n operations
an instruction involving three operands and one operator needs maximum of
Ans. 3m + n
Q. In round robin scheduling, if time quatum is too large then it degenerates to
Q. What is network schema?
Q. Packet Burst is ______
Q. Picard's method uses _______?
Ans. Successive Differentiation.

The following are few sample questions that maybe asked in the hardware paper.

Q. Concentration and restivity is given and conductivity is asked for ?

Q. R , resistance and C,capacitance is given ,find the frequency and Q factor
of the crystal ?

Q. Critical fequency and angle theta is given ;.the max useable frequency is to

Q.Questions on parabolic reflector anttena's and half wave dipole antenna's

Q. Ramp signal is generated from integrator .Whether it is a low or high pass
filter .?

Q. Calculate FM bandwidth given max modulation fequency FM , max freq deviation , df and 8 pairs alllowable
side band component ?

1. Add 79H and 86H and tell the contents of flags
2. Scr is used for _____ ( ac, dc , both )
3. Push pull amplifier is used to remove which harmonics ( even , odd , both )
4. PAM is demodulated using ___ ( low pass filter , high pass filter )
5. 16k memory is needed. How many chips with 12 address buses and 4 data buses
are needed.
6. AM wave is detected using _________ detector
7. Which flip flop is used for shift registers
8. Program counter does what __ (stores a memory address, address of the present
9. In a bistable multivibrator communication capacitor is used for ______ (
speed up response , ac coupling)
10. Totem pole is what?
11. Time costant for an integrator and differentiator should be ( small , high
12. TV waves are __ ( sky waves , space waves etc.)
13. Which configuration has highest i/p imp. ( ce , cb , cc )
14. Parabolic antenna with 2degree angle. What is its directivity.
15. Given 10 mhz pe modulation and we got a 100 mhz band.
How many channels can be there.
16. If o/p power is doubled by how much does the sound increase ( 1db,2db,3db )



Hi, This is Swapnil Kanade from Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Management & Research, Pimpri. I was selected in Accenture on 5th April, 2008. Here are the details:
Location of Test: IICMR, Nigdi, Pune.
Selection Process:
1. Aptitude test of 55 questions having 55 marks. Date: 29th March 2008.
2. Group Discussion and HR & Technical Interviews. Date: 5th April 2008.

Candidates from MCA and Engineering Colleges around Maharashtra were invited for Campus selection.

The aptitude was conducted by MeritTrack for Accenture. It contained English section, Mathematical Aptitude and Reasoning section. A key to solving these is to download and solve previous question papers from Freshers’ world. The questions are easy. Just solve them fast as the time is just 60 minutes.
After those sixty minutes, 5 minutes are given for writing an essay. This will be evaluated in the interviews. Our topic was “Artificial Intelligence.” I finished the test in 50 minutes and utilized the remaining 10 minutes for thinking on the topic. Do not start writing essay unless you are told to do so. In fact, we were given only 3-3.5 minutes. You should write the full page for the essay.
The results of aptitude are conveyed to your TPO. Out of 36 students of our college, 11 were selected for GD’s. The overall selections at this stage were 211.
The next rounds were held at the same place one week later, on 5th April. It started at 9.20 a.m. We were given a PPT on Accenture. Listen to the PPT carefully. Remember the motto of Accenture: High Performance. Delivered.

After the PPT, we were divided into groups of 12-14 each and taken to GD halls.
My group’s topic was “Do ends justify means?” The GD conductor talks to you before the GD and explains the criteria etc. Please make sure you have great command over English and you do speak up at least a couple of times. Listening is more important and I was successful in leading the overall GD. I listened to others carefully. So guys were mostly addressing me. I also made sure that no one dominated and gave some ladies chance to put their views. This ability of handling your team is very important.
Other GD topics were “Evolution of Education System in India from 1990 onwards,” and “Globalization”.

111 candidates were selected for Interview round. From our college, 4 made it to next round.
We were then given some forms where you fill in your information, location preferences etc. Then one-by-one, we were called for interviews. I had to wait a lot as my turn came only at 3:30 p.m. The HR and Technical Interviews were conducted by two persons simultaneously in different halls. (Pipelining!) Those who would pass one kind of interview would then be sent for the other. I was first sent for HR.
HR Interview:
I first tapped the door gently and opened it, asking for the permission to come in. After getting it, I got in and walked upto the table and greeted the HR, who was a sober man in his 30’s. He looked very serious, but was in fact were kind. I sat on the chair only after being told to do so. He had my resume and copies of certificates with him which he was reading. After a while, he fired the first salvo at me by asking me to introduce myself. The questions were as follows:
1.Tell me something about yourself.
I talked about myself and my strengths and weaknesses, my objective etc. Make sure your introduction lasts no more than 1-1.5 minutes.
2.How can you prove that you are creative?
This question came as I had said that I had quoted ‘creativity’ as my strength. I gave the example of my pencil shading hobby.
3.Give me an example of your perfectionist attitude.
I said that I work on my paintings and portraits for several drafts unless I am satisfied with them.
4.Do you have any of your sketches with you now
5.I said, “Sorry, I don’t.”
6.Tell me about your family background.
I stressed on the loving bond we share in our family. Try to say something about all your family members.
7.Can you tell me a situation where your suggestion/creativity helped your team achieve some innovation
I gave example of our 3rd semester project.
8.And a situation where your team failed in achieving its objective because of your mistake?
“I am a trekker. We have a trekking club in our town. Once we had arranged a trek to one fort called Bhairavgad. It was quite difficult ascent and I was required to go first and tie rope for the others. Unfortunately I could not climb the point with steep ascent and we had to abandon the trek altogether. But the very next week, we again went there and this time we made it to the top.”
9.Who is your idol
I said, “Sachin Tendulkar. As he is a high performer and still keeps his feet firmly on ground. I wish to perform like him and still maintain my humility.”
10.But when Sachin scores a century, our team looses, right?
“It is a team effort and everyone has to contribute his best. And the team leader has to make sure they do.”
11.How did you come to know about Accenture
“From one of our seniors who was placed in Accenture a couple of years ago. I was very much impressed with the global look of Accenture that he described.”
12.What do you mean by Global look?
“It is the global presence. This gives Accenture the great mix of different cultures and I like to interact with people from diverse backgrounds. That’s one of my strengths. I will get an opportunity to explore the same at Accenture. Hence I really admire it.”
13.Which company do you admire the most other than Accenture?
“I like Infosys.”
“It has done very well as a Corporate Citizen. I especially was impressed with their ‘Infosys Foundation’ headed by Mrs. Sudha Murthy. I have read her books like ‘Wise and Otherwise’. The foundation has been doing a lot of social work and philanthropy in various remote parts of the country. This suits my nature of helping others in achieving their goals. Hence I admire Infosys very much.”
15.Have you appeared for any other company’s test before?
“Yes, KPIT.”

The interview lasted for 20 minutes. I wished the HR a good day and came out. After 5 minutes I was told that I cleared the HR.

Technical Interview:
The next round was Technical interview. After half an hour, my turn came. The interviewer was a lady in her mid-forties. She was very cultured, soft-spoken and refined.
She was a HR and most of the questions she asked were of HR type. It went somewhat like this:
1.You said that your idol is Sachin Tendulkar, right? Why?
“That’s because he is a high achiever and perfectionist. He can deliver high performance time to time and in spite of the reverence he gets from the world, he is so down-to-earth. I wish my success doesn’t go to my head at any stage of my life.”
2.Tell me something about your family.
This question was a repeat. I gave similar answer.
3.Why was your score so less in 12th standard?
I explained the reasons.
4.You have done B. A.?
I said, “Yes.”
5.What was your major?
“Political Science.”
6.Why did you choose Political Science?
“It is the enveloping subject for all other subjects of the world, as it creates the framework within which other subjects like economics and even science and technology evolve. It gives you the opportunity to study the diverse cultures and political setups of different countries. This enables me to understand the socio-cultural mindsets of their people. This in turn helps me in effectively interacting with them.”
7.Then why did you not go for IAS?
“In fact, I had started preparing for Civil Services Examination. I wanted to go in the Indian Foreign Service. But later I realized that I won’t get the kind of freedom and power to push forward my vision and opinions or aggressive strategies. I also had a liking for technology, so I chose MCA after B. A.”
8.Why do you love technology?
“I am a creative person. Just like canvas, brushes and color palette are tools for creativity in arts, technology is the tool for expressing your creativity. Besides, I also love working with machines.”
9.How did you develop interest in technology?
“When I first learnt C, I was very much impressed with its power of making the machines work for you, according to your wishes. That fetched
me closer to technology.”
10.You said that you want to go into Systems Programming, right?
Actually I had not said so. But still I answered affirmatively. “Yah, Systems Programming is domain that puts high demands on you for utmost creativity, supreme command over languages and thorough understanding of the architectures and other details. So, one who has a liking for details will surely succeed in that.”
11.And then what about Application Programming?
“I like Application Programming also as it involves interacting with people. You have to understand their needs and preferences. The interfaces have to be user-friendly. So, if one can understand the preferences and psychology of people, one can really develop successful applications. The study of different cultural setups helps in this stuff. Hence I can do equally well in this area also.”
12.What are your strengths?
“My ability of communication, soft skills, my creativity and my technical knowledge are some of my strengths. I can work well in teams and can lead them also.”
13.Can you write a C program for 2X3 & 3X1 matrix multiplication?
I wrote the program. She asked me to explain the logic of the program. She also asked me why the order of the matrices is important. I explained.
14.111 candidates have been short-listed from GD for interviews. What’s in you that sets you apart from others?
“My USP is my communication skills and my ability of interacting with people from diverse backgrounds. This will help me in dealing with our clients and I am particularly eager to work in Accenture as it has people from all over the globe. I am really excited at the prospect of working with the company having global look.”
15.Can you give me an example of how you can communicate across cultural backgrounds?
“Well, I have a zeal for talking to people especially from backgrounds of other than mine. For example, I have a vast network of friends, most of whom are from different states, even from different countries, speaking different languages. I can interact with them because of my observing, analyzing and empathizing skills. My cross-domain experience and knowledge helps me a lot. I am sure I will have similar success with Accenture as well.”
16.Why should I select you?
“Accenture will select me only if it thinks and is satisfied that I am the right candidate for the job. Let’s think from Accenture’s perspective. What it will look for in a candidate is the soft skills, strong domain knowledge, communication skills, ability of working in teams, leadership qualities, global viewpoint, creativity, and so on. And I think I have it all in me.”
Here I again stressed on soft skills.
17.Where do you see yourself after three years from now?
I gave a diplomatic answer to this question. I said, “I don’t know exactly how fast careers grow in Accenture, but generally speaking I see myself as at least a System Analyst. Not three years as such, but say, five years.”
18.Any other company you appeared for before? What was the result?
“I had appeared in KPIT aptitude test on the very next day after the aptitude of Accenture. But I could not clear the test.”

The interview lasted for 25 minutes. The last question she asked was “You want to ask me anything?” I was a bit surprised at the timing of the question. I just said, “Well, nothing as such!” Then she thanked me. I wished her a good day and left the room. After a while, the person outside the door told me that I was selected and tried to shake hand with me. But I couldn’t because my friend literally hugged and lifted me up in excitement. I was then busy receiving calls from all my college-mates and friends. Success is really very sweet. And when it comes in the form of placement, you suddenly feel a kind of relief from all your worries and tensions!

From almost 2000 candidates, 211 cracked the aptitude test. 111 candidates cleared the GD round. And finally who made it to Accenture were just 33, a majority of whom were girls. There was a sad edge to my success- I was the only student from all candidates of our D. Y. Patil Pratishthan to get selected in Accenture. I will really miss my friends. I take this opportunity to thank them for their support.

Tips for successful placement:
First, please work well on your soft skills. Merely having fluency is not enough; you should have the ability of conveying your thoughts across clearly. You must have well manners and etiquettes.

Second, do a SWOT analysis of yourself and stress on your strengths in all answers. Remember, questions pop up from your previous answers. Hence, it is in your hands how to direct the interview flow.

Next, gather information about the company from various sources. Try to find out what the company wants. Also work on your GK as some of my colleagues were asked questions on it.
It is a popular myth about Accenture that it only seeks fluency in English. It also wants its employees to give a high performance. Hence having technical knowledge is also very important.
Believe in yourself. Be polite, but firm. Don’t get disturbed if you are cross checked. Keep your ears open for any clues.
Develop some novel ways of answering. For example, the way I answered the question “why I should select you?”
Just be relaxed and calm, poise. Have a great self-confidence.

Wipro Placement paper 2008 (Verbal Section)

Wipro Placement paper 2008 (Verbal Section)

Read the following Passage and select the best answer to questions(1-4) among the given choices

Routines are the unreturned algorithms followed by each one of us, every in life. Routine is a chain of events, which never changes there order once it is prioritized. Following the routine is a schedule of events. For a student it would it be assignments, attending schools, coaching classes or doing a Project. For the business man, brandishing the tiniest mobile phone and shielded by the doctor than black shade of Mercedes, schedule is restricted to attend meetings, presentations and entertaining new Prospective clients.

Sometimes life begins so hectic that you feel as if you are the only person who is working harder than all others. Such type of thoughts comes to us due to thinking about ourselves. Others may be facing the same shade of destiny as you, but you think there are luckier than you. Yes, the grass on the other side is always greener and fresher.

Maintaining your cool, at the times of the difficulty and in spite of hectic-schedules is the key to a bright career and success in life. Because, unless we ourselves change the pace with the change in times and keep ourselves abreast of the latest time table of our organizer, we will lag behind.

The more the things one has to do or one is into, more is his involvement in a mental, physical or social way into these things. Due to this his own personal problems are out of sight because, all time his mind is thinking of completing the task undertaking problems which are out of sight are out of mind.

Each thing that we do adds to our personality. It shapes our thinking and makes us more organized, experienced knowledgeable and creative. The time and effort that we put in every day into tasks is the brick and mortar of our future life. So friends, it is always better to be busy rater then idle. Hasn’t everyone heard that an idle mind is the devils work shop? Behind every successful man is a devotedly followed < name="IL_MARKER" ="">schedule.
1) The author of the passage is of the opinion that
a) The world is merciless to a few persons
b) Behind every successful there is a women
c) All other people seem to be luckier than the author
d) We must keep cool even in difficult times

2) What is the general observation about human nature that the writer makes?
a) People generally hate to be tied to a < name="IL_MARKER" ="">schedule or routine
b) People generally feel that they can progress by following a < name="IL_MARKER" ="">schedule
c) People feel that they alone are overburdened and being treated crudely
d) People follow routines happily because they require less effort.

3) According to the above passage, we must
a) Not involve ourselves too much in the work that we do
b) Avoid keeping hectic schedules because they must harm our body.
c) Be loathing to put time and sweet into our bodies.
d) Run neck and neck with God’s timetable less we lag behind.

4) The result of many things we do results in-
a) Enhancing our personality
b) Bettering our organizational and creative ability
c) Giving us knowledge and experience
d) All the above

5) From the following sets of words, choose the word correctly spelt
a) Accomodate
b) Acommodate
c) Accommodate
d) Accommodate

6) Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the given idiomatic expression or phrase. “ A rising star “
a) A star that rises the highest in the sky
b) A star which shines the most.
c) A person coming into prominence
d) A star that appears only once in a month.

7) Select among the given choices the word or phrase for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. The recent nuclear threat is the ________________of 12 years of terrorist attacks, which have inflicted on us more casualties both military and civilian than Iraq did on Kuwait
a) Culmination
b) Reflection
c) Dogma
d) Defiance

8) Select the option that can be substituted the given sentence
a) Condolence
b) Calumny
c) Obituary
d) Corrigendum

9) Given below are sentences which when arranged logically form a coherent passage? Choose the given option which gives the correct sequence.
a) The alternative was a blitz by the health workers to popularize preventive measures.
b) The information was considered inadequate.
c) People have been reading about AIDS in the mass media
d) Nobody is sure as to low effective this would be.
e) People were also not being influenced enough to take preventive measures.
A) cbade
B) abcde
C) bacde
D) cdabe

10) chose the lettered pair that express a relationship most similar to the relationship expressed in the capitalized pair HOBBLE ::WALK
a) Gallop ::Run
b) Stammer::Speak
c) Stumble::Fall
d) Sniff::Smell

11) Select among the given choices the word or phrase for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. While there is hope in the one-day game, where Indian team has at last cast aside the chains of________________thought, there is a very long journey to make in Test cricket
a) Delinguent
b) Delirious
c) Decadent
d) Disruptive

12) Select among the given choices the word or phrase to replace the underlined phrase ion the following sentence Our departure from this place from now depends on they coming here. a) Depends on them coming here b) Depends on their coming here c) Depend on their’s coming here d) Depends on their’s coming here

13) Choose the lettered pair that express relationship most similar to the relationship expressed in the capitalized pair. FRAYED::FABRIC a) Thawed::Ice b) Renovated::Building c) Frazzled::Nerves d) Watered::Lawn

14) Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the given idiomatic expression or phrase “ To wash one’s hand off “ a) To wash one’s hand with water b) To wash one’s hand with soap c) To disclaim the entire responsibility d) To put one’s firm in trouble

15) Given below are sentences which when arranged logically from a coherent passage. Choose the given option which gives the correct sequence. a) What is amazing is that resending of decisions does not seem to be one bit embarrass the government. b) “Rollback “appears to have now became an institutionalized decision making process of the government c) This is the certainly suggested by the frequency on prices and subsidies are announced and them the status quo restored in part or in full. d) It has well and truly functioning an integral part of the functioning of the government. e) Even the word, “Rollback “, has became a permanent entry lexicon of political discourse. A) abcde B) bcade C) bcdae D) ebdca

16) Choose the lettered pair that expresses relationship most similar to the relationship expressed in the capitalized pair. LACHRYMOSE::TEARS a) Effusive::requests b) Ironic::jests c) Morose::speeches d) Verbose::words

17) Select among the given choices that is most nearly opposite word “ AUTONOMY” a) submissiveness b) dependence c) subordination d) slavery

18) Select among the given choices that is most nearly similar word “OCCULT” a) Dreadful b) Harmless c) Amazing d) Mysterious

19) Given below are words three of which belong to same category. Find the word which does not belong to that category a) Convulse b) Soothe c) Compose d) Assuage

20) One of the words each set of four words is misspell . Choose the misspell word. a) Effeminate b) Endeavour c) Exhilaration d) Exhaustion

21) Ashok bought 16kg of wheat at the rate of Rs 11.50 per kg and 14 kg wheat at rate of Rs 14.50 per kg. He mixed the two and sold the mixture at the rate of 13.50 kg. What is his gain in the transaction ?
a) Rs 16
b) Rs 18
c) Rs 24
d) Rs 28
22) What is the probability of answering a multiple choice question correctly, If you know that one of the answer if definitely wrong but you have to guess between the 3 remaining answers?
a) ¼
b) ¾
c) ½
d) 1/3
23) What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
22, 66, 132, 792 , ? a) 1584 b) 2376 c) 1246 d) 2674
24) The difference between two numbers is one-seventh of the sum of these numbers two numbers. What is the ratio of the two numbers?
a) 3:4
b) 4:3
c) 2:3
d) 3:2
25) On return from a business trip Mr. Chidambaram was to be picked up from the railway station by his coachman. Someone he managed a train connection earlier and thus arrived two hours too early. Immediately on arrived he rang up home for the coach and was told that it had just left in order to be exactly in time for the train by which he was scheduled to come. To save the time he started walking homeward at 3kmph. On the way he met the coachman who brought him home an hour before schedule. How far is the Mr. Chidambaram’s house from the railway station?
a) 12 Km
b) 15 Km
c) 18 Km
d) 23 Km
26) A train travelled from Delhi to Patna and back in a certain time at the rate of 60kmph.But if the train had travelled from Delhi to Patna at rate of rate 80Kmph. And back from Patna to Delhi at the rate of 40Kmph. It would take two hours Longer. Find the distance between Delhi and Patna?
a) 480Km
b) 460Km
c) 450Km
d) 465Km
27) On a certain pasture the grass grows at an even rate. It knows that 40 cows can graze on it for 40 days before the grass is exhausted, but 30 cows can graze there as long as 60 days. How many would the pasture last if 20 Cows were to graze on it?
a) 140days
b) 100 days
c)110 days
d) 120 days
28) Most people in the United States view both neither big nor small business as particulary efficient or dynamic and regard both as providing consumers with fairly priced goods and services. However, most people consistently perceive small business as a force for good in Society, whereas bid business is perceived as socially responsible only in times of prosperity. The statement above, if true, would provide the strongest support for which one of the following hypotheses?
a) Most of the people in the United states give little thought to the value of business to society.
b) If small business were regarded as being more dynamic, it, too, would receive strongly favorable ratings only in times of general prosperity.
c) Many people in the united states regard the social responsibility of big business as extending beyond providing consumers with fairly priced goods and services.
d) Even if people did not regard big business as providing consumers with value for their money, they would still regard it as socially responsible in times of general prosperity.
29) In the first innings of the First Test match between India and West Indians at Sabina Park, Kingston. February 18 to 23 1971, the bowling honors’ in the Indians team were shared by B.S.Bedi, E.A.S. Prasanna and S.Venkataraghavan. Can you, based on the following statements, conclude the number of wickets each took?
1) Either Bedi took 5 wickets and S.Venkataraghavan took 3, or Prasanna took one more than S.Venkataraghavan.
2) Either Bedi took half the wickets or one of the players was run out.
3) The sum of Bedi’s victims and double those of prasanna is one more than three times Venkataraghavan’s.
a) Bedi-2, Prasanna-4, and Venkataraghavan-3
b) Bedi-3, Prasanna-4, and Venkataraghavan-2
c) Bedi-2, Prasanna-4, and Venkataraghavan-4
d) Bedi-2, Prasanna-5, and Venkataraghavan-3
30) The Basic College Council is made up of representatives from the departments in the various divisions. From the science Division is one representative from each of the departments of chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology. The social Science Division provides a representative each History, Linguistics, and Economics. A representative from Philosophy and one from Rhetoric serve for the Humanities Division
All Council Committees are made up entirely of Council members.
Each Committee has exactly four members.
Each Committee has at least one member from each Division.
The representative from chemistry will not serve on a Committee with the representative from Biology. The representatives from Mathematics and Economics always serve on the same Committees. The representative from Rhetoric will only serve on a Committee on which the representative from Biology or the one from Economics, or both, serve. a) Chemistry, Mathematics, History, Economics b) Chemistry, Mathematics, History, Philosophy c) Biology, History, Economics, Rhetoric d) Mathematics, Biology, Economics, Rhetoric
31) A train leaves New York City at 7.15 Am and arrives in Buffalo at 2.47 that afternoon. What total length of time does the trip take? a) 6hrs, 28mins b) 7hrs, 12mins c) 7hrs, 32mins d) 8hrs, 12mins
32) After several attempts to district his young parrot from Chewing on furniture, George reluctantly took an expert’s advice and gently hit the parrot’s beak whenever the bird started to chew furniture, The bird stopped chewing furniture, but it is now afraid of hands and will sometimes bite. Since Chewing on the furniture would not have hurt the bird, George should not have hit it.
When Carla’s puppy escaped from her yard, it bounded into a busy street. Although Carla does not generally approve of physical discipline, she hit the puppy sharply with her hand. Now the puppy enters the street only when accompanied by Carla, so, Carla was justified in disciplining the puppy.
Which one of the following principles, if established, would justify the judgments about George’s and Carla’s actions?
a) When disciplining an animal physically, a trainer should use an object such as a rolled up newspapers to avoid making the animal frightened of hands.
b) When training an animal, physical discipline should be used only when such discipline is necessary to correct behavior that could result in serious harm to the animal.
c) Using physical discipline to train an animal is justified only when all alternative strategies for the correcting undesirable behavior have failed.
d) Physical discipline should not be used on immature animals.
33) In a Conventional Clock, how many times does the minutes hand pass the hour hand between noon and midnight?
a) 8 times b)10 times c)12 times d)15 times
34) If 24+35=28, 15+49=24, and 69+37=50 then 27+48=? a) 27 b)36 c)48 d)59
35) Its not easy having a mathematics professor as a friend. When she invited you to her house she says, “All the houses on my side of the street are numbered consecutively in even numbers. There are Six houses on my Side of my block and sum of their numbers is 9870. You don’t know which block I live on, and it’s a long street, but I will tell you that I live in the lowest number on my side of the block. What’s the number? Or are you just going to ring the first- numbered doorbell for twenty blocks? a) 1580 b)1640 c)1650 d)1680
36) The time to complete a standardized exam is approximately normal with a mean of 70 minutes and a standard deviation of 10 minutes. Suppose the students are given 1 hour to complete the exam. The proportion of students who don’t complete the exam is a) 0.500 b)0.159 c)0.341 d)0.841
37) Rajesh brought a TV priced at Rs 2000. He was given two Successive discounts of 10 and 5 percent. If he has to pay percent sales tax, the net amount he paid wasa) Rs 2663.40 b) Rs 2660 c) Rs 2350 d) Rs 2460
38) A drawer contains a number of Red and Blue socks. If I pull two out of random, then the chance of them being a Red pair is a half and chance of them being a blue pair is a twelfth. How many socks are in the drawer? a)120 b)140 c)150 d)160
39) A Clock strikes every hour-once at 1.00, twice at 2.00, and so on. The clock takes 6 seconds to strike 5.00 and 12 seconds to strike 9.00. the time needed to strike 1.00 is negligible. How long does the clock need for all its striking in 24hours? a)168 Seconds b)178 Seconds c)188 Seconds d) 198 Seconds
40) Grandpa was feeling generous, so he gave a total of Rs 100 to his Five grandchildren. Starting with the Youngest each got Rs 2.00 more than the next Younger one. In Other words, the youngest got one sum, the next got Rs 2.00 more, and so on. How much did the Youngest Grandchild get? a)14 b)15 c)16 d)17
TECHNICAL SECTION ( 41-50) 41) Which of the following is not associated with magnetic memory? a) Sector b) Pit c) Track d) All of these
42) NASSCOM a) IT services Industry body b) Manufacturing Industry body c) Infrastructure Industry body d) None of the above
43) Which of the following is not a codec a) DiVX b) EVid c) FLAC d) XviD
44) Which of the following Chipmaker has designed Athlon? a) Intel b) Freescale c) AMD d) IBM
45) Which of the following is a formatted input function in ‘C’ a) getchar() b) getche() c) gets() d) None of these
46) Rank the following 4 items in terms of access speed: a) Main Memory b) Magnetic Disk c) Registers d) Cache A) 1,2,3,4 B) 1,3,4,2 C) 3,4,1,2 D) 3,1,4,2
47) What kind of a structure is a queue? a) First in First out b) First in last out c) First in middle out d) First in second last
48) A Jazz drive is a separate drive. What is the storage space of Jazz drive a) 100KB b) 20-40 GB c) 1-2 GB d) 650 MB
49) Which of the following is doesn’t affect resolution of a video Display image? a) Bandwidth b) Raster Scan rate c) Vertical and Horizontal lines of resolution d) Screen size
50) Which of the following statement are applicable to LINUX? i) Multi-User and Multi-Tasking ii) Open Source OS iii) Developed at AT&T’s Bell Laboratory, USA A) ( i ) only B) ( ii ) only C) Both ( i) and ( ii ) D) ( i) , ( ii) and ( iii )



Hi friends......I am Misbahuddin Shamim,pursuing my B-tech from Techno India College Of Technology....and my stream is Information Technology.....I was not having internet connection at my home...then a friend of mine made me realised how important it is for the campussing...u must be wondering why have i started with this??/ coz i know friends that most of you are reading this paper froma cyber my very 1st request to you all is that if its possible for you to afford internet connection..then get it done as soon as possible , as it really helped me a lot and it will help u was only due to freshersworld dat i was able to understand the pattern,the important chapters as well as the questions which i have to attempt initially in the aptitude is really v.v.v.v.v.helpful....I m really very much thankful to FRESHERS WORLD..

Naw let me tell you important things to be prepared for accenture:

It has 4 rounds:

Questions = 55 ; time limit = 60 minutes...along with that an essay to write in the same sheet in another 10 minutes...
No sectional cut off , no negative marking..

questions were easy..all u need to do is planning which questions to attempt first and which one to attempt at last...and yeah 1 more thing have to be very fast and u can achieve dat only through regular practice..all u have to do is to solve few chapters from R.S.AGGARWAL ( verbal & Non-verbal as well as quantitaive)..i will suggest you some chapters jus do those chapters properly and it will be more than sufficient for you...

The Aptitude test paper is divided into 3 sections:
1st section :consist of 20 questions which is completely based on english...
Questions 1 - 10 : These are very easy..its completly based on prepositions and fill in the blanks with correct articles...if u have a gud command in english then do it in the begining else do it some time later on after solving some easier questions which will mention later on...

Questions 11 - 20 :
questions 11 - 15 contains one comprehension followed by another comprehension from ques 16 - 20... I will suggest you all to do the comprehensions at last.. and attempt the first comprehension before than the second one...coz according to my experience first comprehensions are always easier than the second one...


2nd section : consists of 20 questions which is based on quantitative as well as verbal and non-verbal...
It contains questions from data sufficiency,venn diagram,time and work,percentage,time and distance,directions,blood relations,and the most important topic LOGIC (syllogism) which is the first chapter of the second part of R.S.AGGARWAL (verbal & non-verbal)...prepare these chapters very nicely...

3rd section : consists of 15 questions which is v.v.v.easy, only a difficult portion can be of puzzle types..
questions are like :
Q.41- Q.45 Mark the answers according to the following:
A- If all the three options match
B- If FIRST and SECOND options match
C- If FIRST and THIRD options match
D- If none of the three match

Ans: C

Another example:
1896.5738491023 1896.5783491023 1896.5738461023
Ans: D

Q.46-Q.49 were based on the Puzzle-type question. It said:
Following was the criteria decided by the selection committee of Indian Cricket Board:
1) Player's age should be 18-28 years
2) He must be the captain of any cricket team for at least 2 years
3) He must be a Ranji Player for at least 2 years
4) He must have taken at least 20 wickets or made 1000 runs in a calendar year in Ranji

If 1st condition is not fulfilled .. referred to chairman
If 2nd condition is not fulfilled .. he must be an all rounder with at least 500 runs and 15 wickets
If 4th condition is not fulfilled .. referred to VP

Questions were like following example:
Rahul was born on Dec.10,1979 and is a captain of Ranji team since Feb 2005. He won man of the tournament last year for taking 24 wickets last year. He is:
a) Selected b) Rejected c) Referred to Chairman d)Data Insufficient
Ans: a
(These questions are also easy if you draw a table with names of the aspirant in rows and criteria in the columns, and then checking whether he/she fulfils it or not)

Q.50- Q.55 were also a bit easy and were of two types:
Example of type 1:
If * means +, + means -, - means / and / means *, then what is the value of-

Example of type 2:
If * means /, / means -, - means + and + means *, then which of the following is true:
a) 7+43*2/13-7+8 = 22.6 b) 4-9*7/4*2/3-7+2 = 25 .. ..

(The type 1 are easier and less time consuming and type 2 are more time consuming but still can be solved. 3 of the questions were of type1 and other 3 of type two)..

NOTE: Friends i will suggest you all to start with this section...first do the question 41 - 45 and then do the questions from 50 - 52...and then do whatever u like....coz these questions are v.v.v.v.easy..and so u will gain lots of confidence after solving these 8 questions..if u can then solve the ques 53 - 55 also else leave it for later on as it is very much time consuming...



1) LOGIC (syllogism).


Do only these chapters which i have mentioned ....its more than sufficient...and yaeh once again emphasize more on verbal and non-verbal rather than quantitative...coz 70% are from verb&non-verb and 30% are from comparision to these two...

After the completion of 60 minutes we were asked to write an essay in 10 minutes time and word limit was atleast 100 words and the topic was "US recession and its impact in the IT industry"....dont bother about the essay much, just make it sure that u have to fill that page with correct grammatical does not play an role in clearing ur is checked by the HR usually during ur HR interview and it may happen that no one bother to check it also...

The topic which was given to us was "liberalisation"... time limit was 10 minutes...12 students were there in a group, a topic was thrown and you all have to share your views regarding that given topic...they selected only 5 students from each group of you can see that you have to give ur best effort and you wont get much chance to speak also coz it so happens sometimes that they make the GD go by person to person clockwise..

TIPS : Initially they may ask you to introduce urself...and u have to hit in this very moment only ..ur introduction shud be very strong...then u will 2 - 3 chances to speak on the topic.....friends u have to be louder and clear during your GD...with full of passions...

Questions were like: Tell me sumthing about yourself which is not there in the CV...then what do u do in your leisure time...then how can you prove that you have managerial skills...and then few questions were asked which was related to my answers...i m not writng all those things coz answers vary from person to person...all i wanna say is dat u need to be very much confident during your interview,there should be smile on your face,eyes contact with the HR is a must...

First of all HR asked me to introduce myself...then he asked me what do u do in your leisure time..then he asked me what are your favourite subjects...then he gave me a program and asked me 2 answer hm whether this program will run or not...then he told me dat i m giving u 16 seconds..u have to sell urself...then he gav me some situation reaction test which i answered wonderfully...

In situation reaction test they just want to see how good you are as a leader as well as a team member and how hard working , determined and confident you are...