Friday, November 20, 2009

Accenture Paper1

I. WRITTEN APTITUDE TEST: This had been divided into 3 sections:
i. Verbal Ability- comprising of fill up blanks with appropriate words, prepositions, conjunctions..........
-2 passages: non-technical & technical .

ii. Quantitative & LR:- questions based on Venn diagram
Data Sufficiency

iii. Accuracy check : There was hardly anything u had to put brain into...................just has 2 b done with concentration n carefully!!

This test was followed by an essay writing in 5 minutes on topic- "MY LAST 3 YEARS OF COLLEGE LIFE". Just keep your fingers crossed as they wont take more than 15-20 minutes 2 declare the results. Though it was an easy round but elimination for many..............only 156 cleared out of more than 1500-1800 students.

It was on next day that we were suppose to report at 11;30 a.m. & the drive had to continue with PPT (Pre Placement Talk)
but did not kick start as per the schedule!!!

II.GROUP DISCUSSION: We were divided into 13 groups of 12 students each. It was a very properly & well-conducted round-table G.D.
Topic: " STING OPERATIONS- FOR\AGAINST" other topics given to group were: "India as a superpower". "Booming IT sector in India."

People at once tried speaking up all together making it a fish market................but we were stopped n ever1 was given chance 2 speak..........its better not 2 speak until your not clear & comfortable with the topic n better listen 4 a while n then start speaking...............n if very comfortable just give it a bashful start & clinge 2 students already done away with!!!!!

I spoke just 3-4 lines explaining what it is?????do not just start abruptly being in favor & against..........
RESULTS being declared as we came out of the room.

III.HR ROUND: Interviewer read my essay n cleared her queries with explanation. Asked lot about company..........

when established in India?- 1987 Mumbai

where all over India r its offices? Delhi ,Mumbai, b'lore, Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad.

company turnover? US$16.65 billion

no. of employees world? 1,49,000

in how many countries it is spread?? 49

worked as team leader/player?

2 qualities of a good team player?

what r diodes????(donno was it hr or tech??)

y do we use it? why not something else?

what's the direction of current?

why is it so small in size?

After this much of the students were eliminated.

IV.TECHNICAL INTERVIEW: He was a real cool, polite n a graceful person.

Tell about yourself?

what all languages u know?.............. asked from C++

what is inheritance?

how is it similar to copy function?(answered but not

what r linked lists??

he asked if i did not know much how would i manage with s/w company..................i told them giving my full endeavor during training & whatever is not taught 2 b done on my own,

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