Saturday, November 21, 2009

Birlasoft Paper3

25-Technical (specialy java,dbms,unix)
15-Apptitude very simple
10-English 3-4(idoms phrases),3 antonyms 2-synonyms

1) Technical-

1: Convert the given decimal no to octal no
2: Convert the given decimal no to hexadecimal
3: Convert the given octal no to hexadecimal
4: Difference b/w ASCII and EBSDIC code
5: Defination of data abstraction
6: Defination of encapsulation
7: In java 2.3 +"5.2" is equivalent to Ans is "7.5"
8: In java range of char
9: If 2 table contais 70 and 50 rows then there join will contain hw many rows Ans 3500
10:One question of jdbc connectivity
11:Charactristic of view
12:Kernal id of unix Ans 0
13:3-4 question from software engg (easy)

1) Aptitude

1: If circumfrace of a circle is 44 then area is?
2: If the avg of 3 boy age is 15 and ratio of age is 3:5:7 then age of youngester boy is?
3: A core contain 12% zink for 70kg zink hw many core require?
4: Salary is 50% decrease and then 50% increase total loss/profit
5: A book was bought at 20%discount on original price and sold 40% profit of bought price total profit n loss?
6: Direction related question?
7:Avg of 15 inning were 30 after makin 80 runs increase by 1.5 new avg is?
8:A boy can finish aa work in 12 days and a man in 9 days if efficiancy of man is 2 times of boy then man will complete in hw many days?

3) English

1: Chicken hearted means?
2: A close saved means?
3: If winter comes then sprinn will not turn over means?
4: Autonomy antonym is depend

2 Question of correctin of sentence?


After that GD round was there
Some GD topic are-
1: Internet(it was mine)
2: Is marridge is buisness now
3: Future of IT industry
4: Who will be gud president Pratibha or Shekhavat

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