Saturday, November 21, 2009

WIPRO Placement Paper, 12th July 2008, Bangalore

WIPRO Placement Paper, 12th July 2008, Bangalore
Hi guys....this was my second company & luckily because of god's(sri krishna's) grace i got placed in wipro on 12th July 2008 in Banglore.... i actually had not thought of getting into wipro.. i thought ill just try & it would b a practice session for had just taken it very lightly....but somehow luckily could clear aptitude test...

In selection process there will b 3 rounds..
1>aptitude test which consists of 3 sections..All the sections r give equal importance to al sections because there will b sectional cut off...
those three sections r
2>technical interview
3>HR interview

give equal importance to al sections in aptitude test ...i m stressing this point more.... the questions in verbal were quite i had to guess the words ..but if u have r preparing for competitive exams like gre,cat... then it will b an added feature to u & u can make it very fast... there will b passages, analogy,fill in the blanks with correct words, identify the wrong sentences & so on.... u must b fast enough... read the passage at the last if u have time....

then the quantitative aptitude section was quite easy & nice... i liked it.... there were questions on mixtures, series, profit& loss, puzzles which r easy, blood relationship, trains, clock, probability...... u have to do calculations fast.... that,s all... do al question whichever u feel easy first & then try for difficult ones...

technical was also quite straight forward like output from c program, unix commands & basics of C , atleast 1 vauge question... but u need not bother about it ,...if u r a cs or is student then u can easily crack it.....

My technical interview went on for only about 8 b i was lucky...
Sir: tell me about yourself?
Me:i am so & so.... bla bla bla.... i hv secured 84% aggre.....
Sir:which 2 subjects u like the most?
Me: i like data structures & C
Sir: then tell me what is data structure?
Me: data structure is the most basic form or the structure in which the data can b stored efficiently & from which the data can b accessed .for example arrays, structures, union, enum....
Sir: do u know what is memlock(something else i don't remember it properly) in C?
Me: no sir, i don't no about it, i have not come across it any time...
Sir: k,then do u no malloc?
Me: Yes sir, it is a function used to dynamically allocate memory ..... it returns void pointer & take in number of bytes as argument...
Sir: k then how can v convert void into int?
ME: By typecasting it
Sir: tell me about your projects?
Me: I told him about the project which i had done on b+ trees & one more on Database...
(He then was asking me about the project details.... which i cud answer easily....)
Sir: which domain do u like to work in?
Me: I like mobile communication & automation....
Sir: u r selected take this form & fill it up....

i was so happy .... since i had not prepared anything for technical.....

My HR interview was something very nice & this was my first HR interview i was excited to face it....
Me: may I come in sir?
He: come in (he with small smile on his face) sit down
Me: good evening Sir...
He: Manu is this physics lab
Me: yes sir....(he saw Max Plancks picture on the wall)
He: tell me about Max Planck
Me:( I was surprised like i had never expected anything like this) then i told him that he is a scientist then he asked me about his contributions... i told him about Plancks contant.....& he asked me about quantum theory
(nothing came to my mind at that moment) I told him frankly that I don't remember (with smile) anything about quantum theory...
He:ok Manu...u have secured 84%agre .... tell me about your cet rank & about your current position in your class
Me: I told him that my pos was 470 & i stood 2nd in my class....
He: so your marks graph is not consistent.... u have got 80,90,81,82, next you'll score 70
Me: Definitely no sir.... i have done well this semester ill surely get above 78 sir...
He: k where do u c yourself in next 3 r 5 yrs from now...
Me: sir I would like to b a team lead .... take up challenging my teammates to achieve the target..
He: k Manu I don't have any challenging projects.... so what will u do.... will u do whatever I give u?
Me: yes sir... ill do whatever u give... n add my own innovative ideas to it....
He: what all questions were there in technical round?
Me: (I told him al that I told u above..... it was just like an another technical round)
He: y didn't u take up any paper presentation?
Me: I like to do one sir... but I ddi'nt find I am into so many other extra curriculum presently i m working as an active member of -- Organisation,i do anchoring spiritual functions....& so on ( i told him about my interests in spiritual science
& social service...)
He: k tell when will u do paper presentation?
Me: I thought of doing it in my 7th semester sir....
He: do u have any questions?
Me: yes sir, i heard that Wipro doesn't give call letter even after a year.. is that true sir?
He: yes...(he told something about demand& so on) but it depends on the college & its reputation....we do give fast response to top colleges like rvce pesit ....
u can leave...
Me: thank u sir

hey guys.... i would like to give u some tips.....
do have good eye contact with the person who is on the other side,
smile whenever necessary be lively,
be CONFIDENT in whatever u speak
sit straight as much as possible
go to the interview decently don't show your bad attitude

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